General terms and conditions of use – Cozytouch
The use of the COZYTOUCH application (“the Application”) is governed by these general terms and conditions of use. Any individual or entity (“the User”) who accesses the Application and its content for any reason is automatically, fully and unreservedly bound by these terms and conditions. Simply navigating in or using the Application implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions.
GROUPE ATLANTIC, which provides the Application, reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of use at any time at its sole discretion, without notice. Any changes to these terms and conditions will come into effect when they are put online.
Access to the Application may be interrupted, suspended or changed at any time without notice for maintenance or any other reason. The User undertakes not to claim any compensation following any interruption or suspension or change to these terms and conditions.
Protecting your privacy and personal data is also one of our key concerns.
As the Application enables Users to control GROUPE ATLANTIC products via their mobile devices, these terms and conditions also describe the information that GROUPE ATLANTIC collects and hosts, and explain what use is made of the information collected as a result of the use of the Application.
Responsible Publisher
In accordance with these general terms and conditions, this Application is provided by:
Atlantic Société Française de Développement Thermique
Register of Trade and Companies: RCS La Roche Sur Yon 562 053 173
44 boulevard des Etats-Unis, 85 000 La Roche Sur Yon, France
Nachstehend "GROUPE ATLANTIC" genannt
GROUPE ATLANTIC is also the personal data controller and defines for what purpose and how your personal data are used.
Vigilance and personal safety
Your responsibilities, declarations, agreements, and consent
Each user of the Application:
- undertakes to comply with these general terms and conditions and the laws and regulations in force during his or her use of the Application,
- is fully responsible for checking the information that he or she gives on the Application,
- is fully responsible for the direct or indirect consequences, of any nature, of the use of the Application.
Each User holds GROUPE ATLANTIC harmless from all and any complaints, claims, actions and/or demands to which GROUPE ATLANTIC might be subject due to the breach of any one of the provisions of these general terms and conditions and undertakes to indemnify GROUPE ATLANTIC against any loss that it might suffer and to pay all costs, expenses and/or penalties that it might incur as a result, including its legal fees.
The User is hereby informed and accepts that, in the event of the breach of any one of the provisions of these general terms and condition or infringement of the laws and regulations in force, GROUPE ATLANTIC reserves the right to:
- suspend or terminate the User’s access to the Application,
- take all appropriate measures and bring any legal action,
- if applicable, alert the competent authorities, cooperate with them and provide them with all information relevant to identifying and punishing illegal or illicit activities,
- delete his or her COZYTOUCH account if the user leaves the home to which the account is linked.
Prohibited actions and behavior
Accessing or attempting to access another User’s account is prohibited. Similarly, opening a COZYTOUCH account for a home that you do not occupy is prohibited, insofar as you would access third-party personal data.
Using the Application in a way that infringes the laws and regulations in force, particularly copyright, trademarks, trade secrets or any other intellectual property right belonging to GROUPE ATLANTIC or third parties or that breaches the privacy (including personal data) or any other personal right of a third party, is prohibited.
Breaching or attempting to breach the security of the Application, testing the technical vulnerability of the Application or attempting to disrupt access to the Application or the services offered in the Application, is prohibited.
Using software intended to change the appearance of the Application is prohibited.
Rights, commitments, guarantees, and responsibilities of the Company
GROUPE ATLANTIC strives to provide information that is as accurate as possible on the Application. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies, and shortcomings of the Application.
All of the information given on the Application is for guidance only and is subject to change. Furthermore, the information given on the Application is not exhaustive. It is given subject to any changes made since it was put online.
GROUPE ATLANTIC takes no responsibility for the direct or indirect consequences, of any nature, of the use of the Application. In particular, it is hereby specified that consumption data is estimated only. GROUPE ATLANTIC cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy of these estimates.
GROUPE ATLANTIC takes no responsibility regarding any costs incurred for using the Application (Internet connection, telephone expenses, etc.).
GROUPE ATLANTIC reserves the right, without notice and at its sole discretion, to close, ban, change or delete the account of one or more Users and to limit and/or prohibit access to the Application by one or more Users.
GROUPE ATLANTIC does not guarantee that the Application is completely effective or secure and takes no responsibility regarding any damage, loss or any other consequence caused by problems relating to the effectiveness or security of the Application. GROUPE ATLANTIC takes no responsibility regarding any problem or reason attributable or not attributable to GROUPE ATLANTIC that makes navigating in the Application difficult, fully or partially prevents access to the Application or enables one or more ill-intentioned Users to access the personal information or account(s) of one or more Users.
GROUPE ATLANTIC reserves the right to temporarily or permanently close the Application at any time without notice, at its sole discretion, and takes no responsibility regarding the direct or indirect consequences caused by closures of the Application.
Intellectual Property
The marks, logos, and signs of the Application are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.
The sale, modification, reproduction, copying, distribution or any other use of the content of the Application for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without GROUPE ATLANTIC’s express permission.
The use of the content of the Application on another web site or Intranet for any purpose or reason is prohibited without GROUPE ATLANTIC’s prior written permission.
Privacy and confidentiality
Welche personenbezogenen Daten werden erhoben?
GROUPE ATLANTIC collects the following information:
- Information relating to creating the customer account
- Information from the devices connected to the COZYTOUCH account
Information relating to creating the customer account
When you install COZYTOUCH on your tablet or smartphone, you will be asked to enter the following information:
- email;
- postal address;
- the specifications of your home (surface area, energy source used, etc.).
This information will then be incorporated into your profile, which you can access using the login and password that you have entered.
The information entered has two purposes:
- the operation of the COZYTOUCH features, such as for example displaying data about the weather or air quality in your town;
- understanding the environment in which Edesa, Atlantic and Thermor brand products are used, enabling us to improve their thermal performance and the features of the application.
Information from the devices connected to the Cozytouch account
The different devices connected to COZYTOUCH have functions that collect information such as:
- the temperature of your home;
- your estimated energy consumption;
- the settings of the connected devices (on/off function, temperature setpoints, heating schedules, etc.);
- the geolocation data from your mobile phone.
This information, which you can view, is necessary to enable you to use COZYTOUCH‘s various features and to optimize your thermal comfort by accessing the different functions of your Edesa, Atlantic and Thermor devices.
You can choose whether or not to activate certain features.
What are your rights over your personal data?
As a user of the COZYTOUCH services, you have the right:
- zu verlangen, dass die verarbeiteten Daten über Sie aus unseren Dateien gelöscht werden. Wenn Sie von Ihrem Recht auf Vergessenwerden Gebrauch machen und Zugang zu einem Kundenbereich auf einer Website haben, wird dieser Zugang ausgesetzt, da Ihr Login aus unseren Dateien gelöscht wird. Wir können Ihre Daten nicht löschen, solange eine Bestellung aussteht oder ein Streitfall zwischen Ihnen und uns besteht oder, allgemeiner, solange wir Ihre Daten zur Erfüllung eines Vertrags oder einer unserer Verpflichtungen benötigen;
- der Erhebung und Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden Daten zu widersprechen, wenn diese nicht unbedingt erforderlich sind;
- auf die über Sie gesammelten Daten zuzugreifen und sie in einem allgemein üblichen maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten;
- die Berichtigung der Sie betreffenden Daten zu erwirken;
- die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden Daten zu verlangen - zum Beispiel durch die Verweigerung der Nutzung zu Werbezwecken.
Sie können diese Rechte ausüben, indem Sie sich an uns wenden:
- Per E-Mail:
- Per Post (mit einer Kopie Ihres Ausweises, wenn Sie Ihre Rechte wahrnehmen) an folgende Adresse:
A l'attention du délégué à la protection des données (DPO)
44 boulevard des Etats-Unis
85000 La Roche-sur-Yon
Sie haben auch das Recht, eine Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde einzureichen und einen gerichtlichen Rechtsbehelf einzulegen, insbesondere wenn Ihren Anträgen auf Ausübung Ihrer Rechte innerhalb eines Monats nach deren Einreichung nicht stattgegeben wurde.
Wie lange bewahren wir Ihre Daten auf?
The personal data in your profile will be retained until the COZYTOUCH account is deleted. After the deletion of the account, we only store the operating information from the products that have been paired with the COZYTOUCH bridge, known as technical information.
The technical information is anonymized and retained indefinitely in order to (i) ensure continuity of service when an account is created again using the number of the COZYTOUCH bridge and (ii) enable us to improve the operation of our devices.
Wo speichern wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten?
Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch GROUPE ATLANTIC findet in Datenzentren statt, die in der Europäischen Union untergebracht sind.
If personal data is transferred to Groupe Atlantic companies or processors outside the European Union, GROUPE ATLANTIC undertakes to ensure that these recipients comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
What are our obligations regarding your personal data?
GROUPE ATLANTIC takes all reasonable measures necessary to protect the personal (or potentially personal) data processed against unauthorized access, use, modification or destruction.
We have undertakings relating to the security of our services and have put in place physical, administrative and technical measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access to your data. Our security policies cover security management for internal operations and our services. These policies govern all areas of security applicable to the services and apply to all GROUPE ATLANTIC employees, as well as our service providers and subcontractors who need to have access to this data.
Wenn wir feststellen, dass Ihre Daten von einem Dritten missbraucht oder auf andere Weise fälschlicherweise erworben wurden, werden wir Sie und die Aufsichtsbehörde (CNIL in Frankreich) so schnell wie möglich informieren.
How is the information used?
Use of the data by GROUPE ATLANTIC
We only use your personal data for the purposes of running your COZYTOUCH account. We undertake never to sell them without your agreement.
With your consent when you create your account, we can use your email address to tell you about our offers, give you information about new features and products, ask for your opinion or simply keep you abreast of news and offers from GROUPE ATLANTIC brands. We can also send you information about Atlantic, Thermor and Edesa products or the COZYTOUCH application (new functions, tutorials, etc.).
If you no longer wish to receive this information, you can withdraw your consent by going to your personal COZYTOUCH area.
The other technical information relating in particular to your devices’ settings are used for analysis purposes, to improve our devices and the COZYTOUCH application, and to offer you innovative new services.
GROUPE ATLANTIC thus processes your personal data on the following legal bases:
- when you have given us your consent for us to process your personal data, or
- due to the legitimate interest that GROUPE ATLANTIC has in processing your personal data (if GROUPE ATLANTIC has an interest in processing your data that is justified, proportionate and does not interfere with your privacy) or
- as part of the processing of personal data that is mandatory pursuant to legislation.
Partner services in the application
So that we can constantly offer you more features, we have developed “Partner services” in the COZYTOUCH application, which can be accessed from the application menu. This section lets you decide whether or not to activate the partner service yourself, and thus exchange data with the partner and accept its confidentiality charter.
Wie werden personenbezogene Daten über Minderjährige erhoben?
Obwohl GROUPE ATLANTIC nicht versucht, personenbezogene Daten über Minderjährige zu sammeln, können einige Dienste von Minderjährigen genutzt werden. In diesem Fall obliegt es den Eltern oder einer anderen Person mit elterlicher Verantwortung zu entscheiden, ob ihr minderjähriges Kind die Dienste von GROUPE ATLANTIC nutzen darf.
These terms and conditions of use are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law.
The French courts of the district in which the Company’s head office is located have sole jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to these terms and conditions of use, including but not limited to their validity, interpretation, performance and/or termination and the consequences thereof.